In the
beginning was the “portable computer”, nothing more nothing less than a
transportable computer, thank to its small size.
With the
addition of the rechargeable battery (early models had not it) born “laptop”,
which adopt the camshell design.
The laptops
evolved in two directions. The first one brought to the “notebook” (products
that tend to all-in-one), which moved to: 1) reduction in the width and length
of the products, generating “handheld PCs”, and 2) the reduction in thickness
and weight of the products, leading to the “ultrabook PCs”.
The other main
evolution direction of “full size laptop” brought to "tablet PCs", products
designed as an effort to innovate the
interface. Existing “tablets” descend directly from them, as well as the PDA (also
in credit with the “handheld PCs” family).
From “handhed
PCs” focused on the Internet, “netbooks” were born, from those focused on mobile
phones came “pocket PCs”.