

Also from the technological point of view, as well as mental and social, mobile is neither automatic nor immediate.
As illustrated in the graphic below, the main domestic technologies took some time to became mobile.
The older ones (radio and TV) certainly were limited by technological difficulties. But, the reasons why the others were late are related with the gradualness with which the needs and habits of consumption change. Transfer static activities to mobile extensions is neither automatic nor immediate. At least until now.
As may be observed in the figure, over time, the waiting time has gone drastically shortening and PCs, to refer to a device
born static and then upgrade mobile, only took about 5 years to evolve.
Today, in m_societies, mobile is part of the genetics of the products as well as in the expectations of consumers.



At the origin of “mobile” idea that we are interested in, referred to widespread consumer electronic devices, there are the transistor and the battery. Between 1954 and '55, in the United States, already conquered by consumer electronics, appeared the first transistor radio”, a small radio easily portable. It was not a marketing intuition, instead a bet of the two companies that had developed the transistor technology.
Contrary to what is happening in the current mobile diffusion, the transistor radio did not create a parallel environment, different than traditional radio environment.
But affirmed the concept of the domestic technologies use (as well as other products) in mobility, a concept that marketing would have adopted and that would have increasingly led the R & D for decades to come.



Here's a first classification of the most commercially successful mobile products in recent decades.
It 's obvious that, at present, there are many more intersections among the different families that pure blood descendants.
But their perception is very often influenced by their original identity, something we can not ignore in defining the media mix of a campaign. A smartphone, for istance, even if enriched with other functions, will still be perceived and lived as a mobile phone. Once and for all: "The medium is the message."



Here we go! Not us, but the long-awaited societies resulting from the spread of smart mobile devices.
The impact of these technologies do not seem to be uniform in the world. On the contrary, it appears varied and contrasted just like diverse and complex are all advanced social systems. Or even presents a still greater variety of situations, determined by the fact that the mobile has reached and is investing countries that are not yet advanced (developing or underdeveloped).
Our scope is the world and the way it is adopting the mobile. The intention of the analysis is to track, highlight and interpret all the nuances and the specific geographical, social and cultural characteristics that are driving this adoption.
Our very focused goal, is to improve knowledge and to develop tools in using mobile for corporate communication.
Thank you all.